The Final #MistbornMondays!

Hello fellow Mistborn readers!

Today marks the end of The Great Mistborn Readalong. For ten weeks, we’ve been reading the first three books in the Mistborn trilogy – The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension and The Hero of Ages. For those who have finished reading the series for the first time, or for those who have completed their re-read, we hope you’ve enjoyed taking part!

For me, this readalong gave me the much-needed push to read the Mistborn series – a series I’ve heard so much about from my fellow readers and bloggers – and to do it as part of a group made the experience even more brilliant.

So, for the final time, you can find my latest video review below. I absolutely adored the way Brandon Sanderson rounded the series off. It was truly spectacular and now, I feel the need to read everything by Sanderson as soon as possible!


If you’ve managed to read The Hero of Ages and finish off the series in the allotted time – congratulations! If you’ve found it was a bit of a struggle to read three 700 page long epic fantasy novels in the space of ten weeks . . . well, I don’t blame you! I hope you enjoyed the experience all the same.

Don’t forget to tweet your progress with #MistbornMondays and keep tweeting your reviews of the series to us at @Gollancz.

Until next time (or until the next readalong!), happy reading!

Don’t forget to preorder the latest book in the Mistborn series – Shadows of Self – out 15th October.