Locke Lamora is dying . . .
We know how patient you’ve had to be about the release of Scott’s third wonderful novel in the Gentleman Bastard Sequence, The Republic of Thieves.
But with publication date now confirmed as October the 10th we can torture ourselves with hints and tasters in the run up to the day when the book is finally out there. So we thought you might like to read Scott’s own blurb for Republic. I’ll hold my hands up to the shoutline but the rest is all Scott. There was a little more that I actually trimmed away but that’s down to convention more than anything else – you might have noticed that US blurbs tend to be a good bit longer than UK blurbs. Also, from a personal point of view? The shorter a blurb is, the better I like it. But anyway, let Scott tell you what’s coming in Republic:
Locke Lamora is dying…
Locke and Jean barely escaped with their lives from what should have been the greatest heist of their career, in the port city of Tal Verrar. Now they head north, looking for sanctuary and an alchemist who can cure the poison that is slowly killing Locke. They find neither, but with their luck, money and hope exhausted, they receive an offer from a power that has never had their best interests at heart: The Bondsmagi of Karthain.
In exchange for the chance that Locke might be saved, the Bondsmagi expect the two Gentlemen Bastards to rig an election in their home city of Karthain. They will be opposed. The other side has already hired the services of Sabetha Belacoros, the one person in the world who might match Locke’s criminal skill, and the one person in the world who absolutely rules his heart.
Now it will be con artist against con artist in an election that couldn’t be more crooked, all for the benefit of the mysterious Bondsmagi, who have plans within plans and secrets they’re not telling…