Win the Ultimate Mistborn Bundle!!
Happy Monday Gollancz Blog Readers!
We’ve got some exciting news. Besides Brandon Sanderson’s UK Tour kicking off today we’ve got an amazing competition for you. Want to get your hands on the Ultimate Mistborn Bundle? What’s the Ultimate Mistborn Bundle you ask? Well it looks a little something like this . . . .
As you can see, we think this is one mighty fine bundle filled with Mistborn goodness. Our bundle includes a signed copy of every single Brandon Sanderson Gollancz title published to date: The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension, The Hero of Ages,The Alloy of Law, The Way of Kings, Elantris, a signed exclusive Alloy of Law t-shirt (one of only 50 t-shirts in the whole world), a limited edition bookmark, and a rare Alloy of Law signed poster. We’ve also got five runner up prizes which include a signed copy of The Alloy of Law, a signed T-shirt and a signed bookmark.
To enter all you have to do is click this link.
And if while you’re entering our competition you decide that you want to sign up for our glamorous newsletter, or visit our Facebook page and catch up with the latest photos from Brandon’s UK events or follow us on Twitter (@gollancz), well, that would be wonderful.
Good luck!