London Film Festival – Robot Overlords Tickets Now On Sale!
Mark Stay, co-writer of the new film ROBOT OVERLORDS and author of the book of the film has an important and exciting message!
Tickets are now on sale to the general public for the 58th BFI London Film Festival!
ROBOT OVERLORDS – co-written by me and Director Jon Wright – is part of the festival’s Family strand and there will be two showings:
Saturday 18th October at The Vue, Islington at 16.15
Sunday 19th October at The Vue, Leicester Square at 12.45
Tickets are on sale from 18th September at 10am and you can find out more about the festival at the official BFI site here and here’s our page with all the details.
Apart from a lucky few who came to our preview screenings, this will be the first time the general public gets to see the film on the big screen. Many people have worked incredibly hard to make this film look and sound mind-blowingly good, and these venues will really do it justice, and you get to see it with a festival crowd — there’s nothing quite like it.
As always, for news on the film do please follow @Robot_Overlords on Twitter — there’s some very cool news just over the horizon, so watch this space…
Until then why not while the time away by pre-ordering the book of the film?